global open RENI

The standard reference for nomenclature and diagnostic criteria in toxicologic pathology.

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Background: INHAND

In 2005, the Strategic and Regulatory Policy Committee (SRPC) of the American Society of Toxicologic Pathology STP has started the initiative "Revision of Standardized Nomenclature for Lesions in the Rat and Mouse". The RITA group (Registry of Industrial Toxicology Animal-data) was asked by the STP for cooperation and RITA members have discussed the initiative with the Executive Board of the European Society of Toxicologic Pathology ESTP.

In November 2005, ESTP and RITA members compiled the so-called "INHAND" proposal, which is available for download as PDF file. This document describes the organizational and technical structure. The BSTP and the JSTP joined this initiative in 2006, so that the project was truly global.

The Global Editorial and Steering Committee (GESC) is guiding the activities of the Organ System Working Groups (OWG). These are responsible for producing preferred nomenclature and diagnostic criteria, which represent the consensus of the international collaborators. After its inital approval by the GESC, the draft is made available through goRENI and open for comment for a 60 day period. The OWG will consider the comments and prepare a final draft, which is reviewed once more by the GESC and then published.

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